Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Fresh Cedar

It is Wednesday. This I know because my laptop told me so. It’s a screwed-up-days sort of week going on in my head. I’m always thinking it’s some other day than it actually is. When working from home, it’s difficult to keep the days straight.

Since it’s the twelve day of the month this means only ten more days before the annual slumber party at a dear friend’s house! Lots of girlie stuff goes on and it’s like Vegas – what happens or what is said at her house – stays at her house. I’m so looking forward to the fun of it all. Just chilling with the girls, some I know, some I’ll met for the first time – even though I went to high school with the majority! But that’s been decades ago!

In addition, since it’s the twelve of June means I have one month and one day to get everything finished for the Spring Ho Grand Parade in Lampasas, Texas – to celebrate and promote National Doll Day. I completed a few outfits over the past week and planned others in my head … until I can get back to the studio–

I’ve been on “hold” since January 2011 to get something done on the refinishing and the finishing of this house. Yesterday that changed. The 16’ trailer is loaded with wood & siding… we started back on it this morning! I love the smell of fresh cut cedar…

Monday, June 10, 2013

Time and Order

Near the end of May, I began posting quotes on my Facebook wall, and on Lanetta’s Creations page, from a couple of books I’ve had for years. It’s been a long time since I’ve read either of them. I need a refresher.

One of the quotes I shared yesterday meant the world to me, more so than the others so far–

Time is the greatest gift of all. –Anonymous

How true is this!?!

“The Gift of Time” article, written by Delores Elaine Bius, found within God’s Abundance – 365 Days to a Simpler Life, edited by Kathy Collard Miller, hit home to my heart. She wrote about the “privilege” she experienced being with and taking care of her mother the last three months of her mother’s life.

Then today’s quote:
Order is the shape upon which beauty depends. –Pearl Buck

In the other book, Simple Abundance, A Daybook of Comfort and Joy, Sarah Ban Breathnach writes:
There is an immediate emotional and psychological payoff to getting our houses in order. We might not be able to control what’s happening externally in our lives but we can learn to look to our own inner resources for a sense of comfort that nurtures and sustains. I have even noticed that there is a direct correlation between the days when I’m feeling depressed and the days when the house is in disarray.

I ask, what happens when you physically are unable to get things in order?

It was my “privilege” to have given Momma the gift of time last week. Her garage has been in such disarray for years. She’s yearned for help, for organization since she cannot do it herself. She’s wanted it in order, especially her supplies so she could return to doing a bit of artwork.

My sister & I had planned for several years to get out there and get it done, together. Time schedules and travel (I live 3 hours away), however, has never coordinated for us. During my last visit – while my sister was out of town visiting her daughters and grandsons, I made the time.

Momma came first – before running the roads, visiting friends, cleaning my own house! I’d put her off too long. There is still quite a bit to do, but at least now there is room to do it! At least now, she can get to her art supplies!

Will you give the gift of time to someone you love?

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