Thursday, January 28, 2016

When One Door Closes...

I believe it’s safe to say we’ve all heard ~ at one time or another ~ Alexander Graham Bell’s famous quote:

Three years ago today, my sweet Daddy left this earth. Yes. I do ~ still ~ “look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door…” because I miss my daddy with every fiber of my being. I know I’ll see him again, play dominoes with him again, someday. This assurance feels me with peace.

It’s a shame that in this harsh world, we must have a “house sitter” while family is gone, either during the wake at the funeral home, or at the cemetery burying a loved one. The lowest of the lows, sick deprived people, search the obits for the “perfect” empty house to hit.

So, while making all the funeral arrangements, we thought, who could we call upon? (Not realizing we would get multiple offers from friends to fill this need for us!!!!)

I called upon a friend of mine, Donna, to stay at the house during the funeral.
Again, thank you, Donna.

My sister called a friend of hers for the wake…

My sister (five years older than me) and I grew up living in the same house/neighborhood all of our lives (she was two or three when Momma & Daddy bought the house). A LOT of folks are still in our life that also grew up in this neighborhood. Although most have moved away, our “Oak Cliff” roots remain.

Why my sister thought of calling upon Jeanie (they are the same age), I’m not sure. They hadn’t seen or spoken to one another in over twenty years, but she knew she lived close to Momma’s. She knew ~ if it was at all possible ~ Jeanie would be there.

And, she was.

Again, thank you, Jeanie!

Another story of sisters…

Jeanie and her little sister, Jane, (a year younger than me), grew up several streets over from us.

We all went through elementary, junior high, and high school together. And, we experienced the newly opened Six Flags over Texas together ~ yes, that long ago! For a little while, in the late ‘70’s, Jane and I even worked on the same floor in the federal building! And then, Jane and I lost contact. We have since reconnected through Facebook!

For me and my sister, we knew immediately this new opened door meant reconnecting. Because of our closed door, we went through the opened door…

The four sister’s next stop together, El Fenix!

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