Monday, January 2, 2012

Eight Day of Christmas - Giving Back

Just because Christmas is over, giving back never ends! I believe we all enjoy giving back in some form or fashion. It’s our social human nature. Giving back can take on many shapes and be accomplished through various methods. For example, I recently came across a news article, then went straight to the source, to read more about these clever, generous KnitRiot women in California.
Adopting the instructions given in Matthew 6:1-4 as their group ethos, they do “knitbomb strikes” across their community! How awesome is this!

Have you heard about The Pink Poodle Pillow Project? In honor of Bailey, they are helping bring "Poowoe Power" to children within the Children's Miracle Network System!

Such an awesome cause I hope continues for many years to come!

Because of the poor economy and high unemployment rates, donating money and/or food to local food banks is a great way of giving back! Do you know where your local food bank’s located? Maybe it’s among the 2094 emergency food programs listed here. Or, check your telephone book, chamber of commerce, or church… wherever you may find a food bank, consider giving back even a little will help a lot!

The North Texas Food Bank website is located here. And, I'll have some exciting news to share soon!

For Central Texas area citizens, the Capital Area Food Bank of Texas, needs some giving back, too!

I realize I’ve listed only a few areas how giving back will help others. There are lots of worthy causes and non-profits around that need our support. There are also countless ways to give of our precious time that will benefit others.

What are some other ways of giving back? I'd love to hear your suggestions!

Are you interested in forming a KnitRiot group in your area? I would love it!

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