Monday, April 4, 2022

2021 Highlight


Goodness! This is the first article for 2022! I just realized it’s been over a year since my last post. My bad!

Rather than a full year’s worth of catch up (because who cares, right?), I simply want to share a highlight for 2021, for my own personal future reflection. I do use this blog to document things I’ve done, and the hope for things I will do someday.

My personal memories, hopes and dreams, and creative goals are basically the bottom line what this blog has been about all along. If, along the way, others have been inspired or benefited from the tutorials, it makes my heart happy.

I entered a couple of crochet projects in the Burnet County (Texas) Fair:

Inspired by a post on Pinterest, I created the Crochet Flower Garden on Canvas and not only won 1st Place, but Best of Show in the Division to boot! I was very excited!


I also entered Ember the Phoenix, Pattern by Hooked by Kati. Her patterns are amazing with a lot of photos along the way.


Another post, another day, I’ll share more crochet projects I’ve done, for safe keeping. I usually share on my personal page on Facebook, as well as Lanetta’s Creations. But, who knows how much longer FB will be around, or how much longer I’ll tolerate social media.

Monday, March 29, 2021

Crochet for Others

I love to crochet. It keeps my hands busy and my mind occupied. But, there are just so many shawls, hats, afghans, or dollies, etc. I need/want! There are just so many loved ones that appreciate the effort of hours spent creating a crochet project.

I know I’m not alone. A lot of crochetists (like sewists) experience the heart stab when their efforts are ignored. The good news is - there are tenfold “strangers” that will welcome the love filled gift!

So where could I donate items?

The Spruce Crafts’ article “Charities that Accept Crochet Donations” provides 10 suggestions! This should get the juices flowing!

Also at Crochet Concupiscence I found another list of “Where to Donate Your Handmade Crochet Items” that offers additional suggestions.

Both above websites (oh, there are so many others) ended their lists with considering local needs…

Last month, Texas experienced an unprecedented 254 counties total shutdown hard freeze. I believe this was widely reported nationally and internationally so I won’t go into it here. I’m just thankful it’s over and I pray it never happens to us again. I’m sure each and every one of us learned a lot.

Although it’s too late now… it’s never too late to start…

Moving forward my focus will be to crochet for others unknown to me!

It is my plan to gather like-minded people in the community to also help create scarfs and hats along with me! We’ll collect them, then decorate the town streets with the goodies! I’ll contact the Warm Up America folks to officially organize a Made With Love event!

Will you join me?



Monday, March 22, 2021

6 tips when using Ravelry

How much/often do you use the website Ravelry to search for crochet patterns? I've been a member since 2019 but only recently began using it regularly. The various features are amazing! I'll attempt to walk through some of them here...

1) Search CROCHET Patterns - 

Looking for shawl ideas? Type in shawl to search...

2) Filter you search ... looking for "free" patterns today? Check the box!

3) I'm so bad about buying yarn without a project in mind, or I change my mind once home with 1,800 yards of yarn! 

So, I filter further... 

4) My yarn recommends size 5.5 hook size, so I will search for patterns with the same suggestion...

Now I have 8 matches in the "Free" pattern category to select from!


Under the "Filter your Search" on the left side, there is "Language" and I highly recommend checking English. BUT, read the pattern carefully to see if it's US or UK English! 

In the US we have a single crochet (sc) but in the UK the same stitch is called double crochet (dc). Very Confusing!!! 

5) Add to Favorites:

When you find something you like, click on the thumbnail, then check "add to favorites" so you'll have it in your notebook for future reference! Oh my! I have over 154 "favorites" already! It's like Pinterest!

You'll sometimes see a flat out "free" pattern, but many times, the designer offers an ad-free pattern for a minimal fee. To get the "free" one, you'll visit their website. For example:

This pattern is available for $3.99 USD
buy it now or visit pattern website

A free version is also available.

That's okay because I usually find so many other fabulous ideas or information I wouldn't normally have found had I not gone to their website! 

6) THEN PLEASE... when you use a pattern found on Ravelry... don't forget to go back and share your finished item and rate the pattern! This not only helps the designer, but folks that come after you to use the pattern!

Hope this helps!

Monday, March 15, 2021


There are a lot of Crochet magazines available in print and online with a subscription. However, I’ve only found “Crochet World” at our local grocery store (small community).  It’s nice to step away from the computer, sit back with a cup of tea, and browse through pages of creative projects. 

Fortunately for me, a friend of mine has subscriptions to two magazines. I love it that she shares them with me! The other day I asked her to tell me about the magazines:  

I subscribe to Interweave Crochet and Crochet! magazines, both of which I like very much.

I think Interweave tends to have more sophisticated, fashion-forward patterns that often are intermediate to advanced difficulty.

Crochet! patterns are usually easy to intermediate difficulty.

They both have great photography and a good variety of patterns for apparel, home deco and gifts.

Because someday we may not have Internet…in my home library I have an assortment of crochet books:

Contemporary Celtic Crochet

The Complete Book of Crochet Stitch Designs

The Complete Book of Crochet Border Designs



Romantic Crochet

Crochet Collection

What tangible in-your-hands crochet resources do you have?




Monday, March 8, 2021

Take the time!

Sometimes we need to take the time. Seriously! Just stop crocheting for a bit and shake it out!

A while back, I subscribed to receive emails from Hooked by Kati (were I found Ember the Phoenix pattern!) and I’m so glad I did! She recently shared great info on how to prevent and recover and when to see a doctor. This email was timely for me!

I searched her website and found a more detailed article “Hand Health for Crochet Artists” which could apply to other artisans as well. 

Please consider regular break intervals to stretch out the arms, wrists, and fingers, shake off the shoulders, do a few neck rolls, and stand up – walk around! Your body will thank you!

After doing a quick search, I discovered a lot of people have created videos to share their ideas and suggestions how and what to do. I’ve learned quite a bit! I now have several additional exercises added to my routine!

For example:



Oh, there are so many lovely patterns, especially Amigurumi items, I want to do! I don’t have time or the desire to struggle through pain to accomplish them!

Take the time!

Sunday, March 7, 2021

A Challenge

I’ve always wanted to create a crocheted sweater or a shrug or top but never have had the confidence in my work, my ability. A good friend of mine has made several fitted garments and wears them beautifully. Between her assistance when needed, and YouTube instructionals, I’m going to challenge myself!

I thought I would practice making/inserting sleeves using American Girl doll Lindsey as a model –

You’ll see I made a “shortie” based on the pattern designed by Lisa Gentry through Yarnspirations, Bedtime for Dolls.

Oh, and I have never made socks before until Lindsey’s! Not bad for first attempt! Yes, socks are NOT just knitted, one can crochet socks!!!

Now for the challenge…

I found Hailey Bailey’s “The Tern Tunic Dress Crochet Pattern” that has really caught my eye!

I purchased this Lionbrand yarn in 2020 and it’s been sitting, waiting for the perfect project. I think I’ve found it! I hope it works out nicely!

We’ll see!



Monday, March 1, 2021

National Crochet Month

Good Morning March!

I recently discovered March is National Crochet Month! 

Of course, enthusiasts years ago determined a “Month” to celebrate all things crochet! I discovered the Crochet Guild of America’s website, but have yet to join. Oh, I did join the National Crochet Month's Facebook group!

Anyway, I plan to celebrate the month by sharing my favorites

… that’s what I do!

Over the years I’ve tried to make granny squares, but never could get them to look right. I stumbled upon directions at the Heart Hook Home website how to “invisible join” and will certainly use this method on my next project! Ashlea provides A LOT of crochet tutorials on her blog! AND she offers many (free) patterns for us! I’ve put Penelope on my to-do list!

I highly recommend visiting Heart Hook Home! Let me know if/when you do! 



Monday, January 25, 2021

A bit of catch up…


One thing has led to another since my last article, Inspirational Crochet. I was on a mission to learn Tunisian Crochet but found Mikey and all his other fabulous projects in addition to Tunisian Crochet. Oh My. They were all shiny!

Through his website I made this reindeer tissue box cover for my mom! Instead of a “sniffle station” as designed by Michelle Moore, the basket for Momma’s reindeer held small candy canes! She loved it!


It was THEN the Amigurumi bug hit me!

I first made a Scandinavian Christmas Gnome – just in time to pack away with the other decorations for next year!

Oh, and a Snowman… he’s now packed away as well!

Then I made Audrey the Armadillo for a dear friend who loves to take her RVing, hiking, and scene gazing! 


Oh, and she and her husband are beekeepers, so I had to make this Queen Bee for them!

Thinking ahead, I created a Bunny Rabbit for Momma’s Easter ~ soon to be filled ~  basket!

Also, a Just Because gift for Momma, when I saw Oliver the Bear, I had to make it for her! Although I modified the snout area a bit from the designer’s instructions (couldn’t figure it out), we think he’s cute!

Momma loves him!!!

And, I finished Emma the Elephant this morning!!! She’s for me. She’s also the last one I will do for a while…. I must give my hands a BREAK!


7 Things I’ve learned while learning Amigurumi:


1.     Use AT LEAST a full size smaller hook than what is recommended for the yarn you are using.

2.     Use a scrap of yarn (longer than what your project will be and in a different color) as a stitch marker. Thread it up the project, moving it up as you go.

3.     Use a counter and keep up with the rounds as the spiral can get very confusing!

4.     Know the difference between US and UK definitions (for example: in the US a single crochet = “sc” whereas in UK a single crochet is written = “dc”)

5.     Keep tension TIGHT!!!! (and is why I must take a looonnnngggg break)!

6.     Watch Youtube videos, even if it’s not the project you want to make!

7.     Oh, and stuff when the instructions instruct!




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