Friday, January 18, 2013

Things in Order

You know, that twilight time before truly waking up? You stay perfectly still wondering if it’s time to get up or if you can fudge a few minutes longer. For me, it’s then the really weird dreams happen. What seems like a complete dream happens within a blink of an eye – had one been open!
That happened to me this morning. The only thing I remember about it was an unknown voice telling me: “Get your things in order.”
Maybe because sometimes I feel like I'm going against the wind:
I didn’t feel sad or anything other than matter-of-fact. It’s simply the sense I woke up with. I need to get my things in order…I guess for the next chapter of my life or less clutter for the continuation of this one? 
Which ever the case, it wouldn’t hurt me one bit to get my things in order.

Then I'll start writing and sewing again!

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