Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Blessed Rain

It’s been a long time since we’ve had a good soaking rain around here. The stock tank was beginning to look pitiful. Praise the Lord! We are getting the blessed rain needed! Isn’t this a pretty picture?!?
I went to Dallas on Sunday with the primary purpose of taking down and packing up my parents’ Christmas decorations. My St. Louis niece, Dr. Leslie, whom I hadn’t seen in over a year, would also be in Dallas on a visit during this time. Between the two of us, we got them all done ~ and stored away until next year ~ by noon on Monday! Yes!

She went back to Missouri and I returned to the ranch yesterday afternoon. I had had it planned not to return home until this morning. It all changed once I saw the massive storm predictions. I drove through pouring down rain taking her to the airport and the drive back to the Dallas house. Sheets of rain. But then it slacked up as I loaded the vehicle! Another, Praise the Lord!

The rain was not bad on the way back home. Off and on it was heavy, but nothing like I experienced driving to the airport in Dallas! Then, the closer I got to the ranch, the less need for the windshield wipers!

As I came to the low water crossing, then began to climb the hill on the "house side", I prayed out loud:

Thank you, Dear God for getting me home safely.
Please, now let the bottom drop out! Amen!

It warms my heart when God answers prayers the way I'd hoped! 

The "Low Water Crossing"
I hope those who are in need, are also getting the Blessed Rain!

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